Monday, February 15, 2010

DunDraCon, and incoming t shirts

Back from DunDraCon and I have to say I think it went great. Sold a lot of t shirts, but more importantly handed out a lot of cards. Winter was awesome, and proved to the nerd world that she is one of us by knowing a freakish amount of stuff about a bunch of different games.

It's weird what sold. I sold out the Conan t shirt the first day, and a ton of the Star Wars (at one point a bunch of people dressed in amazing Star Wars costumes showed up and bought a bunch, including a girl dressed as a sexy Imperial officer who I thought was super hot) shirts. Comics did well, but the cartoon t shirts did not. Number one request was larger sizes, so I am going to start stocking more XXl t shirts. Maybe XXXL if I can find them.

Now I am headed to Las Vegas for a the clothing industry trade show. It should be a great chance to add some new t shirts. I am adding a bunch of new stuff to our cheap t shirt and they will be coming in next week most likely. I am about to order some Rat Fink. I had about 100 people not even recognize it at the show, but I am a huge Big Daddy Roth fan and will order them anyway. To hell with smart buying decisions. Speaking of bad buying decisions I think I am also going to buy some Bob's Big Boy t shirts. I don't expect them to actually sell, but the kitsch value really makes me laugh. I'd link something for it, but the BBB web site is all about selling bad food and I don't want to contribute to American heart disease.

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