Friday, January 29, 2010

Feeling sick and upset women

Feeling kind of sick tonight, and had to blow off a date with a girl I really like. I am worried that she is pissed at me but don't know what to say or do. Anyway, I think I will stay home and work on the site most of the weekend. Apparently social networking is The Way to promote your site, so I guess this weekend I will build the Nerdkungfu Facebook page. Otherwise more shooting better images and looking for interesting links.

On the difference between zombie movies and horror movies

Working on updating my images with higher quality and more closeups. Also adding some more links to some of the shirts and updating the horror and zombie categories. Some people ask me why I have separate zombie and horror movie categories, but I really see a huge difference. Horror movies are all about people more or less being helpless and killed without much chance to fight back, until the end when the heroine figures out that Freddy Krueger will die (at least for this episode) if she can trick him into looking at a mirror or something equally lame. The point is people are helpless and often tortured (Saw being the premium example of this). Zombie movies, on the other hand, are desperate fights for survival, but all the people can and usually do fight back, even in the face of overwhelming odds. I much more prefer zombie to horror movies, as I am a fan of the human spirit and drive to survive. Of course, there is fun to be had in a good horror movie, if only to keep a body count.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Cheap t shirts and Warhammer rankings

New cheap shirts, including a ton of very cool vintage Soviet Union stuff and my new fav, Our Friend the Atom. Check them out. I am watching Season 4 of Stargate Atlantis. Cool but slightly disappointing like you asked for Dijon mustard but they only had regular. I just don't care about the characters like I did for SG1. Glad to see Sam again though. My Skaven army is starting to come together. I also found out that I ended last year ranked number 13 in the country for Warhammer GTs. Not bad, but it seems the ranking system favors attending a ton of mid range tournaments and just placing in the top 10. First tournament of the season for me is coming up next month so I have to get some paint done soon. I will also have a booth set up so if you are going to be at Dundracon stop by and say hi.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Dundracon upcoming

Just uploaded Einstein shirts, and found out a lot of interesting stuff about him, and a flash game called the Quest for Einstein's Brain. I linked a lot of it so check them out. I also added the new Political and Cheap Shirts categories and uploaded shirts into them both. I will have more added by tomorrow so check it out. On a personal note, I played Warhammer the other night and the first new Skaven list I have felt was right for me fought a much tougher list to a draw. I am happy. I am getting ready for our booth at Dundracon and have hired a very beautiful girl (who is also a nerd) to help me work the booth. If you are going to Dundracon stop by and say hi. If you are interested in Dundracon check it out here . Last year some friends of mine bought booze at the hotel bar and got yelled at by one of the volunteers for having alcohol. Turns out he was grossly overstepping his authority as the booze was perfectly legal as long it was from the hotel, so four of my friends are attending free, courtesy of the volunteer, who shall remain nameless (but who strongly resembles the Travelocity Gnome)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Avatar Baby Names

Read an article today that said some parents are choosing baby names from the movie Avatar. I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, if you are going to be a nerd, don't mess around. Do it to the hilt. On the other hand, you are broadcasting to anyone who meets your child that his or her parents are nerds and for kids in school that is like blood in the water. My poor sister has a name that rhymes with many other unfortunate words and I used it to torture her incessantly. If you want to read the article I linked it to the Hangover Baby Carrier shirt I just uploaded. I also uploaded Gumby, Mr. Bill, and Felix the cat shirts. Enjoy!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Friday Night

Out late last night at my friend Ed's birthday thing. We went to this great wood fired pizza place that by happy coincidence has a full bar. We spend most of the night talking about women and Warhammer. The new Skaven book is out and I was speaking with a couple other Skaven players on army builds, as well as an intense conversation on sportsmanship and table etiquette. I wish I could find some Warhammer t shirts, but apparently Games Workshop plan for making more money is not to produce cool additional products for their customers but rather to screw their long time loyal customers by offering less for more, is you know what I mean. Anyway, this weekend I will be uploading t shirts from The Office, Idiocracy, House, Gumby, Felix the Cat, and Mr. Bill. Check them out later. Have a great weekend.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Some thoughts on Two face

I think Two Face is my favorite comic book villain. He is a tragic comic villain in the truest sense: he is Bruce Wayne's former best friend, is truly insane, and personally tortured by his life. All the Batman villains are great, if only because they are motivated by things other than simple cash or being evil, but this one is great. Two Face is the villain who breaks Batman's heart. Batman is always trying to save Harvey Dent. Plus his coin is really interesting. I read a comic where Two Face tied up Batman on a sinking ship. There was a homeless man trapped on the boat. Two Face was rowing away but has to stop. After an obvious mental struggle he pulls out his coin and flips it. It comes up good heads and so he is forced to go back and rescue the homeless man. Not your typical villain.

Jan. 14th

Jan. 14th, 2010. Inspired by the technology behind Avatar, I have decided to upgrade all my t shirt images (actually, I found out I had the white balance set incorrectly on my camera, which is why they all look a little too yellow). I am working through it and also updating my comments on each shirt. I just added some Buffy t shirts and the new images just looked too good compared to the old ones. I am running to the city today but am working on it every day, and am about 1/4 of the way through. I heard that Sam Raimi will not be doing the next Spider Man, and to be honest I am not at all disappointed. I think he more or less butchered the last one (Green Goblin on a snowboard? The entire Venom story in ten minutes? Come on). I don't know who they got to replace him, but hopefully it is someone who actually reads comic books. Of course, with Disney in charge it could be anyone. Not sure how I feel about making Spider Man younger. Sounds like they are going to go for the New Moon teenybopper crowd, which gives me a stomach ache. Peter Parker is supposed to be a geek (hence my liking of him) not some teenage hunk.

My first two blogs from my site

Jan. 10th, 2010. Just saw Avatar for the 3rd time. Next time will be in 3D Imax. Great movie. I even like the story, although people tell me it's pretty much Pocahontas scene for scene. Fortunately I usually avoid Disney drivel. SPOILER ALERT: if you haven't seen it stop reading and go see it now. My two questions from the movie are do arrows break military windshield or not? It seems like sometimes they do and sometimes they don't. The second question is what would motivated super colonel to take his entire force into the one area on the planet where all their cool technology ceases to work for them? I would have sat back and rained long distance hell on them. Also I was disappointed when the hot Hispanic chick died. She was very cute. Anyway, great movie. Go see it right now. We need to support movies like this so they will keep making them.

Jan. 7th, 2010. Welcome to my site. This is dedicated to nerds around the world who are ready to throw off the yoke of "cool" oppression and revel in their personal nature. Show the world where you really sit with a Darth Vader or classic Nintendo t shirt. Let the ignorant, unwashed masses wallow in their sports, reality tv shows, and high school popularity.